Pushkin - a Russian with Ethiopian roots - was born in 1799. A
time described
by many as the golden age of Russian literature.
And his legacy is undoubtedly the most significant.
Pushkin wrote hundreds of poems, stories and fairytales. Many
have been put in the eternal hall of fame and in fact changed
the face of Russian language. Art and literature experts say
modern Russian is the Pushkin language.
"Still many people have a huge interest in Pushkin's
works and life. Everywhere in Russia - in the Urals, in Siberia
- people write books about him. People write poems, copying his
style," said Konstantin Kovalev, a historian.
In his time, the poet was known not only for his poems, but
also for his love of women. It was because of them that Pushkin
took part in numerous duels protecting his honour. This method
of settling disputes was commonplace back then.
But there was one woman who won his heart - a girl from
Moscow, Natalya Goncharova. They married in this chapel in 1830
and later Natalya gave birth to 4 children. But it was she, who
led Pushkin to his end. A French baron George Dantes was
courting the poet's wife. Pushkin challenged him to a duel. On
February 10, 1837 Pushkin died after being mortally wounded.
"For the French it was just another episode, they did
not react in any way. Duels happened very often back in those
times. But in Russia, on the very next day everyone knew that
the greatest poet of that period had been shot dead. His funeral
gathered thousands," explained Alexander Voinhovich, a
Georgy Galin, the great great grandson of one of Russia's
literary giants, says he has no anger towards the family of
George Dantes - the man who shot Pushkin dead.
"Many years have passed; it's no use to be angry.
Besides, even his family had problems after that duel. One of
Dantes' daughters was mad at him for killing the Great Russian
poet. Relationship was so tense, that he had her locked up in a
mental asylum in the end," said Mr Galin.
Busts of Pushkin can be found in many cities worldwide -
including Shanghai and even the Ethiopian capital Addis-Ababa.